Thursday, February 13, 2014


Pasti udah pernah melakukan tes ini sebelumnya dong ya? Kalo di social media seperti Path, udah banyak temen-temen yang pernah posting ini dan gue pun melakukan tes ini juga karena rasa ingin tahu yang teramat tinggi. :p

Selain itu juga gue posting ini karena biar ga lupa aja sih sebenernya, kalo gue itu tipe kepribadian yang seperti apa plus karena gue lagi menunggu tahap-tahap selanjutnya untuk masa depan, jadi sembari nunggu untuk itu dan nunggu jadwal tes satu bahasa dan atau sekolah lanjutan (sebagai cadangannya), gue tulis ulang tentang ini. Semoga bermanfaat buat kalian juga ya. :)

Look at this picture below.

Having seen the entire picture above, choose one of the 9 images above that make your eyes focused and hold on the image (which you look very "put attention" on that image). Once you choose which image most interest to you, now is the answer:

Image no 1: Freedom Loving
Freedom is important to you - nothing is worse than when you feel tied down. You may find you move jobs or location frequently because the idea of staying in one place too long unnerves you. The same can apply to relationships! People see you as fun loving, and you are. You attempt to enjoy life to the full, in accordance with the motto: "You only live once". You tend to attract less energetic people as friends or partners, like moths to a flame, they see you as the light. Careful they don't drain you! You are very curious and open about everything new and thrive on change. Quite simply, you are a breath of fresh air.

Image no 2: Independent and unconventional
Your lifestyle is higly individualistic. You do not follow the crowd, on the contrary, you seek to live according to your own ideas and convictions, even if this means swimming against the tide. You need a free and unattached  life that allows you to determine your own course. You have an artistic bent in your work or leisure activities. Your urge for freedom sometimes causes you to do exactly the opposite of what is expected of you. You are rather unique, so don't bother comparing yourself to anyone else. Live life your way.

Image no 3: Sensitive and reflective
You are comfortable spending hours alone with your thoughts and rarely become bored. You dislike superficiality; you'd rather be alone than have to suffer through small talk. Your relationships with your friends are very strong, which gives you the inner tranquillity and harmony that you require. You love deeply but if someone betrays you it is next to impossible to forgive. You are an old soul, someone who has lived many times before and has seen it all. All you crave now is simplicity and the chance to focus your attention on a meaningful existence.

Image no 4: Down to earth and charming
You have a natural authentic charm, what you see is what you get. People admire you because you seem so 'together'. You have both feet planted firmly on the ground and they can depend on you. While others complicate their life with ifs and buts, you know your own mind. You provide security and space to those close to you. You are a rock, and although others may not tell you, you are the sun around which they revolve. You dislike superficiality and tend to be skeptical toward the whims of trends. Where others crash and burn, you motor on, quietly achieving all you need to do. You are a woman (or man) of substance.

Image no 5: Professional and self-assured
You take charge of your life, and place less faith in your luck and more in your own actions. You solve problems in a practical, uncomplicated manner. You take a realistic view of things in your daily life and tackle them without fuss. You are given responsiblity at work, because people know that you can be depended upon. You project self-assurance to others. You are a born leader and organiser. Although you work well in a team, ideally you should be the one giving the orders. After all, you are usually right!

Image no 6: Peaceful and timeless
You are easy-going yet discreet. There is a timeless elegance about you (think Audrey Hepburn). You make friends effortlessly, yet enjoy your privacy and independence. You like to get away from it all and be alone from time to time to contemplate the meaning of life. You need space, so you escape to hideaways, but you are not a loner. You are at peace with yourself and the world, and you appreciate life and what this world has to offer. You have a strong life purpose and when you discover it, you projcet your personal brand of magic on the world.

Image no 7: Cultured and classical
Cultured and sophisticated you value the things money can't necessarily buy - good conversation, original ideas, music and the arts. You have a fair mind and can see both sides of an argument. You rarely let emotions get the better of you, preferring to assess situations rationally. Calm, logical and yet compassionate and kind. You have 'old-fashioned' principles, which at heart make you a real lady (or gentleman). A timeless, vintage classic - the sort of person everyone secretly admires and likes to copy.

Image no 8: Sensitive and spiritual
You are highly sensitive and spiritual person. You refuse to see life only from a rational view point. You have great intuition and trust your feelings. You must have dreams to aspire towards or you won't feel happy. You like to improve yourself, and in so doing make a difference in the world - even if only in little ways. You find it hard to understand people who are only guided rationality. You form true relationships with open souls, people who know there is more to life than we can touch, see or hear. Your psychic sense is highly evolved, trust it and work with it.

Image no 9:Dynamic and sparkly
You are mover and a shaker! You are willing to take risks in return for interesting and varied work. Routine tends to have a paralysing effect on you. Being stuck behind a desk 9-5 would destroy your soul and enthusiasm for life. You need to be given the chance to express your ideas and put them into action. You have a rainbow personality, and can cheer others up, even on the gloomiest of days. If you ever feel you have lost your sparkle it is because the situation you find yourself in is not right for you. Follow your enthusiasm, even if it means you chop and change for years. The journey is as important as the destination.

That's all for personality test.
I am number four. What's your number?


Sunday, February 02, 2014


Dari namanya aja udah ketebak dong bakal ngomongin siapa?
and YUP!
I would like to present to you, the one and only......... JOHNNY DEPP!

Karena teramat dalam kekaguman dan mungkin sampe ke tahap cinta (ya bisa dibilang gitu sih) sama sosok aktor yang satu ini, jadi gue pengen share beberapa postingan foto dia dari masa mudanya sampe sekarang.
Sebenernya awal mula gue suka sama aktor ini dari penampilan dia di film "Sleepy Hollow" tahun 1999. Itu film udah lama banget sih, pas gue kelas 4 SD. Trus gue juga sempet nonton "Edward Scissorhands" keluaran tahun 1990 (yang ini nontonya bentuk cd punya kakak sepupu gue waktu itu).Dan ternyata, rasa kagum itu bertahan sampe seperempat abad umur gue ini. (Hahahaha. Ketauan deh umurnya :p)

Bicara soal karir, si mas yang satu ini bisa dibilang jagonya akting deh! Debut karirnya di dunia "act", ngebuat dia masuk jajaran aktor yang honornya $75 miillion dan dicatat sebagai "the highest paid actor" di Guinness Book of World Records tahun 2012. WOOOOWWWW........EDAAAANN!!
Kalo gue dikasih gaji per bulan segitu sih, bisa beli Pulau Kotok and Pari di Kepulauan Seribu, yacht, and mobil kaya rolls royce deh, buat invest jangka panjang sekalian liburan ke pulau-pulau tadi sambil ajak satu RT buat main kesana :))
Kalo soal "Hollywood Walk of Fame", udah pasti banget nama dia ada. So, everyone knows about him and his acting career.

Tapi, kecintaan gue bukan dari soal akting dia, percintaannya (yang ganti 4x, dan akhirnya hatinya tertambat oleh Amber Heard yang dikabarkan mau married tahun ini. Woohooo, congrats! ->coba perhatiin deh,tipe muka cewe-cewenya itu hampir mirip semua! Eh, atau perasaan gue aja kali ya :p) dan sejuta penghargaan yang dia punya. Kecintaan gue yang tetap melekat dan bertahan sampe sekarang adalah karakter dia.

Si mas ganteng yang satu ini (walaupun udah menginjak umur 50th and going on 51st this year) punya karakter yang kuat dan selalu ada sama dia-apapun perannya-setiap saat. Yang bisa gue liat jelas adalah Humble, charismatic, unique, and lover. Cieee, asik nih yang terakhir. Gue juga suka sama orang yang punya karakter "lover" gitu, bawaannya meleleh mulu ga sih kalo deket sama orang kaya gini? :p
Karakter ini yang jelas banget ada di diri seorang Johnny Depp, ga terkecuali dengan kematangan dia yang akhirnya bisa menemukan passion untuk hidupnya. :)
Kalo cuma nemuin cowo-cowo standar yang bisanya cuma ngikutin trend arus jaman sekarang, common, little selfish, and arrogant udah pasti failed banget deh di mata gue. Nah, jadi ciri-ciri cowo yang mungkin bakal mencuri perhatian gue itu adalah yang tau passion-nya apa dan jelas (ada kan yang sampe umur 30 juga masih gatau mau ngapain -_____-"), unik, punya profesi tertentu (man in uniform juga oke,hahahaha), humble and pecinta plaid. (ini mah jadi salah fokus :p )

Oke, sekian intermezzo tentang my lovely one ini. Sekang saatnya gue tunjukkin ya beberapa foto dahsyat dia yang mungkin bisa buat gue mimpi indah.

When he was 20-ish. So cute,ha?

Ini yang lebih jelas lagi. Tetiba "hot" ga sih pas liat dia?
Kalo jadi gipil, gue rasa dia cocok. :p

Another young faces of JD.

I want to be your Queen, my Highest... (tjakep yak!)

Pst..Look at his eyes! *melted*

The title is, "Can you find me?"

Macho! Potongan rambutnya kaya John Mayer ya :)

Ini muka dia sekarang di film "Transcendence", upcoming movie di tanggal
18 April 2014, dengan genre science fiction thriller gitu.

Duh, selalu melting sama cowo yang jago main gitar.
And yes! he can do that!

And the last,
"The Multiple Faces! "

"Johnny Depp will always be Johnny Depp. Nothing less, nothing more."
